Payroll Giving is a simple. Donations are taken directly from your pay before tax and National Insurance are deducted, so it costs you less to give more. When you sign up as a Payroll Giver, you will automatically become one of our precious Lullaby GEMS.

Because the donation is taken from your gross pay, every pound you give will only cost you 80p (or 60p if you are a higher rate tax payer).

You donate:
Cost to you as 20% tax payer
Cost to you as a 40% tax payer

Our work simply couldn’t happen without amazing supporters like you who donate the money that funds it.

Just to give you an insight in to how you could make a difference:

How will my monthly gift make a difference?

£10.00 a month for one whole year could pay for over 1,000 copies of our ‘Product Guide for Parents’ to be printed, which explains the factors you should consider when you buy a product for your baby, what essential items they need and what products you should try to avoid.

£25.00 a month for one year could provide vital support packages for 33 bereaved families, giving advice, sharing experiences from other bereaved parents and signposting to where they can get further support.

£50.00 a month for one year could pay for 11 families to attend a Lullaby Trust Family Day,allowing them to spend time with their children, remember their baby who died, and to access face-to-face information and support. 

How do I sign up?

If you are an employee… you can sign up today with Payroll Giving in Action. You can also get in touch with your HR team if you are unsure whether your company has a Payroll Giving scheme.

If you are an employer… contact a Payroll Giving Agency to set up a scheme. Click here to find a government approved list of agencies to set up your Payroll Giving scheme.

Mum kissing her baby