![No smoking sign](https://www.lullabytrust.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/lullaby-trust-smoking-image.jpg)
Smoking cigarettes during pregnancy or after birth can significantly increase the chance of SIDS for your baby.
How to keep your baby smoke-free
- Both you and your partner should try not to smoke during pregnancy and after the birth
- You should also keep your baby out of smoky areas. Don’t let people smoke near your baby and keep your home, car, and other places your baby spends time, smoke free (it’s illegal to smoke in a car or other vehicle if anyone under the age of 18 is present.)
- Do not share a bed with your baby if you or your partner smoke or the baby was exposed to smoking in pregnancy
If you smoke 1-9 cigarettes a day during pregnancy you are more than four times as likely to have a baby die as a sudden infant death than a woman who didn’t smoke at all during pregnancy.
Even if you did smoke when you were pregnant, you should still try not to expose your baby to smoke after birth as this can help reduce the risk of sudden infant death.
Where to get help with quitting smoking
Quitting smoking is one of the most important things you can do for your baby. We know that giving up smoking is a huge challenge for many new and expectant parents, but support is out there.
Smoking and SIDS: FAQs
How can I give up smoking?
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You have the best chance of succeeding by getting help from professionals.
Speak to your midwife or health visitor or go directly to your local stop smoking service. They will have seen many smoking, pregnant women, and are there to help. For advice and support visit the NHS website or
- in England, contact 0300 123 1044
- in Scotland, contact 0800 84 84 84
- in Wales, contact 0800 085 2219
What are vapes (also known as e-cigarettes) and are they safe for my baby?
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There is currently no research on vaping and SIDS. Giving up completely is the best option, but if you do choose to use a vape, continue to keep your baby away from vapes and their vapour. Talk to your local stop smoking service for the best advice. There is currently no research around bedsharing and vaping, we suggest you do not share a bed with your baby if you vape.
What is Nicotine Replacement Therapy, and is it safe in pregnancy?
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Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) involves the use of gum, patches or tablets to deliver a small amount of nicotine into your bloodstream. They are said to help you to deal with cravings by giving your body nicotine without some of the harmful by-products of smoking (e.g. carbon monoxide and tar).
Most pregnant women can use NRT safely, though it’s important to talk it through with your health professional first.
No one in my home smokes, and we rarely go anywhere smoky, but I still worry if my child ever goes into a smoky environment. Can this increase the risk of SIDS?
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The risk of SIDS from very occasional exposure to a smoky environment is likely to be very low, but there isn’t enough scientific evidence for us to know the precise risk. Try to keep your baby smoke-free at all times to keep them as safe as possible.
Is it safe to breastfeed if I smoke?
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Breastfeeding has many benefits and regardless of whether you are a smoker or not it is the best way to feed your baby.
The Lullaby Trust has teamed up with other charities and organisations in The Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group to produce resources around smoking in pregnancy. These resources can be accessed here.
Guides and infographics to inform health professionals and support conversations with pregnant women who smoke and are inquiring about vapes can be downloaded here.