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Baby holding hands

Having another baby

The decision to have another baby is a very personal one and sometimes you and your partner may not agree about the prospect or the timing.

Parent with a suitcase holding a baby. Preparing to sleep away from home with a baby.

Baby sleep away from home

It is important to plan how to provide a safer sleep environment for your baby if you are going to be away from home (e.g. on holiday). A cot, Moses basket or travel cot is ideal, but there are other options if you don't have access to one of these.

Bereavement Podcasts

After the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or child, we might feel a need to reach out and hear about other people’s experiences of grief

Lullaby Lottery

Enter our Lullaby Lottery from as little as Β£1 a week and you could win up to Β£25,000 in cash prizes while supporting our important work.

I want to help

Bereavement support:
0808 802 6868
Information & advice:
0808 802 6869