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Whether you decide to sleep your babies in the same cot or separately, the risk of SIDS will be greatly reduced if you follow all of our safer sleep advice for each baby, day and night

Virtual BIFB events

If you can't or would prefer not to hold a physical Bake it for Babies event, you can still bake a difference from home by holding a virtual event.

A baby is shown wearing a hat, their cheeks are flushing red and they are sweating due to being too warm. The ideal room temperature for babies is 16-20C

Room temperature

The recommended room temperature for babies is 16-20Β°C because the chance of SIDS is higher in babies who get too hot.

Baby summer safety

Baby summer safety

Safety tips on caring for your baby in the hot weather and when on holiday

How to swaddle a baby or use a sling - image of a man using carrying a baby in a baby carrier

Swaddling and slings

It is very important to follow the guidelines on how to swaddle a baby or use a sling more safely. This is to reduce the risk of SIDS.


Annie’s story

Annie was 17 when she gave birth to her daughter Hazel, who sadly died suddenly and unexpectedly one year later.

SIDS and Safer Sleep Training

Safer sleep advice saves babies lives. Reduce the risk of SIDS by giving our evidence-based safer sleep advice in your practice.

I want to help

Bereavement support:
0808 802 6868
Information & advice:
0808 802 6869