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Baby holding hands

Having another baby

The decision to have another baby is a very personal one and sometimes you and your partner may not agree about the prospect or the timing.

Vaccinations and SIDS

Immunisations and SIDS

Vaccinating your baby reduces the risk of SIDS. We advise you to make sure your baby receives all their scheduled vaccinations.

car seats and SIDS - illustration of a baby sat in a red car seat

Car seats and SIDS

Research into the link between car seats and SIDS found young babies may be at risk of breathing difficulties if they travel while sat upright for too long


Annie’s story

Annie was 17 when she gave birth to her daughter Hazel, who sadly died suddenly and unexpectedly one year later.

Sleeping products

There are a large number of baby sleeping products on the market so we have put together some guidelines to help you make an informed choice

Charity of the Year

Unite your employees and customers behind a cause everyone can feel passionate about.

Keeping it safe & legal

Here’s some general guidance for keeping your fundraising safe and legal according to regulations. So, you can enjoy your event worry free!

I want to help

Bereavement support:
0808 802 6868
Information & advice:
0808 802 6869