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Nicola Richardson with Alexander 1 (ask permission before use) - cropped

The Big Give 2017: Nicola’s story

Bereaved mum Nicola, whose son Alexander died suddenly and unexpectedly aged 17 months, explains why she's supporting the Big Give Christmas Appeal this year.

Why we funded the GAPS Analysis Project

Jennifer and Chris Reid are parents of Edward, who sadly died from SIDS at 3 months old, and founders of Teddy's Wish. Here, they explain why the GAPS project is so important to them

katies story baby archie quote

Katie’s story

Katie’s older brother Tom died of SIDS at 7 months old. Years later her own son Archie also died suddenly and unexpectedly, and no cause was ever found. Katie shares her family’s story.

Jennifer’s story

Jennifer Fazackerley, whose daughter Jessica Rose died of SIDS aged 10 months ran the London Marathon for The Lullaby Trust in 2018. Here, she tells her story.

I want to help

Bereavement support:
0808 802 6868
Information & advice:
0808 802 6869