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Information for other carers

Whether you’re a Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, or family friend looking after a baby, our safer sleep advice gives simple steps on how you can sleep babies to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) whilst they are in your care.

If a child dies in your care

It is a terrible shock if someone else’s baby dies in your care, whether in your nursery, in foster care or while you were caring for the baby in the parents’ home.

Bereavement Podcasts

After the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or child, we might feel a need to reach out and hear about other people’s experiences of grief

How to support a bereaved family

Involvement in a sudden and unexpected infant death can be stressful for any professional. Here’s our advice to anyone working with bereaved parents and families.

Who we work with

At The Lullaby Trust, we work with a number of organisations and collectives to reduce unexplained infant mortality and ensure every family gets the support they need.

Become a Brand Partner

The Lullaby Trust are the only charity in the UK dedicated to raising awareness of safer sleep for babies. Our activities benefit every one of the 700,000 babies born annually in the UK.

I want to help

Bereavement support:
0808 802 6868
Information & advice:
0808 802 6869