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Katy received support from The Lullaby Trust after her baby died of SIDS

Katy’s story

Bereaved mum Katy's first son Ethan died in 2013. After his death she received support from The Lullaby Trust's CONI programme.

Bereavement support services

Our helpline and befriending services provide an opportunity to talk freely, for as long as required, with a sympathetic and understanding listener

Rob’s story

Bereaved dad Robert Weeks talks about the loss of his daughter Sophia Rose to SIDS in January 2012


Annie’s story

Annie's son Finlay died in March 2005, aged eight and a half months

Leanne’s Story

Every year, Leanne organises a Miles in Memory Westie Walk in memory of her sons.

Sarah’s story

Sarah contacted The Lullaby Trust after her son Louis died suddenly and unexpectedly at just 28 days old. After Louis died Sarah felt isolated and turned to The Lullaby Trust for the support of other bereaved parents.

I want to help

Bereavement support:
0808 802 6868
Information & advice:
0808 802 6869