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Burton Security

Burton Security is trusted safe and vault supplier, serving the locksmith, trade and business world for over 30 years. They have chosen us as their supporting charity for a second year.

Bereavement support helpline

If you would like the opportunity to talk freely, for as long as required, with a sympathetic and understanding listener, please contact us via our helpline or send an email (details below)

Staff Fundraising

Staff fundraising is a fantastic way to motivate your employees and strengthen your brand, all while making a vital contribution to our work

The GAPS project

The Global Action and Prioritisation of Sudden infant death (GAPS) project was led by The Lullaby Trust and carried out with the support of organisations in the UK, US and Australia

I want to help

Bereavement support:
0808 802 6868
Information & advice:
0808 802 6869